The special issue “World-Ecology in Latin America: From Below and to the Left,” that I co-edited with Brian Whitener, Paige Andersson, Victoria Saramago, and Orlando Bentancor, just came out in Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group. It features articles on abstract kinetic art, hydroelectric dams, social reproduction, extractive violence, speculative fiction, and so much more. Check it out!: Download the PDF here.
It’s out! My poetry anthology, La desesperanza, has just been published in Spain by Visor Libros. Get it here or here.
My poem “The Policeman’s Son” just came out on Poetry Northwest, translated by Tiffany Troy and the Women in Translation Project.
On January 12, I was invited to participate in the Environmental Humanities Workshop at Stanford, focusing on “Transdisciplinary Efforts in the Face of Environmental Challenges.” In my talk, titled “Ecopoetry and the Critique of the Present,” I advocated for poetry as a powerful form of contemporary critique in the face of climate change, proposing a continuum where theory, research, and poetry mutually inform and sustain each other.
Ana Alenso’s edited book, titled Lo que la mina te da, la mina te quita / What The Mine Gives, The Mine Takes, has been published in Berlin by Bom Dia Books. The book features my poem “La selva de azogue” (Quicksilver Jungle) and brings together the creative work of artists and researchers focusing on the conflict surrounding the Arco Minero del Orinoco. Get your copy here.
I’ll be participating in three different panels at the upcoming congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), in Vancouver, between May 24-27: Political Ecologies in Latin American Poetry (May 25, 03:30-5:30 PM, Room 216); Latin American Image Forms: Impure Practices, Frames, and Media (May 27, 10:15-11:45 AM, Room 121); and Latin America and the Geological Turn: Inhuman Becomings and Earthly Memories (May 27, 5:15-6:45 PM, Room 223). See you there!
I’m delighted to have been invited to share my research on the cultural ecology of oil at the Neubauer Collegium’s symposium Fossil Capitalism in the Global South. The event will take place at the University of Chicago on May 5th.
Read here my review of Stacey Balkan and Swaralipi Nandi’s Oil Fictions: World Literature and Our Contemporary Petrosphere, published in Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures.
Event: After the (New) Gold Rush: Art and Extractivism in the Venezuelan Amazon. A conversation with Venezuelan artists Ana Alenso and Esperanza Mayobre, moderated by Santiago Acosta. (Tuesday, 04/19, 11:20 am EST) / Register here.
I gave an invited talk at the University of Pittsburgh titled “Ecopoetry and Capitalist Valorization in the (Post)Colonial Caribbean,” where I examined how the work of Puerto Rican poet Raquel Salas Rivera elaborates a critique of the value-form by addressing the totality of the capitalist ecology from the vantage point of the colonial frontier.
My poem “El hijo del horticultor” was featured in Gatopardo in a stunning special issue dedicated to the climate crisis.
Listen to an interview about my research in the Everyday Energy podcast, by the Energy Humanities research initiative at Georgetown University in Qatar.
I’ll be at Harvard University on November 11 for a conversation with Mariano Siskind and Gustavo Guerrero. More info and registration link here.
I read from my poetry and participated in a Q&A at the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow. More info here.
I’m thrilled to announce that I have joined The State University of New York at Old Westbury as a PRODiG Fellow with a dual appointment in the Department of Modern Languages and the History and Philosophy Department!